4553-59 North Lincoln Avenue

Chicago, Illinois

Constructed in 1999 on the corner of Wilson Avenue and Lincoln Avenue in the heart of the Lincoln Square neighborhood, this commercial development has become a highly successful anchor, helping to establish Lincoln Square as one the of the liveliest and thriving neighborhood shopping districts in the city.  The building consists of 6,200 square feet of retail space divided into 3 storefronts with parking and loading in the rear off the alley.  Keeping the storefronts at the sidewalk line not only maintains the continuity of the street facade 'corridor,' but also reinforces the corner, providing a focal point of interest in the form of the clock tower.  Overall, the building reinforces the pedestrian nature of Lincoln Avenue along this stretch while avoiding the-all-too common mistake shops setback behind a wall of parking.

Client:  Access Development Group, Inc.

Team:  HTA Construction Co., General Contractor; Hutter Trankina Engineering Co., structural engineers;  Creative Systems Engineers, M/E/P

Scope:  single story, 6,200 square feet retail building