Lisec Architects has in-depth experience with a wide range of projects encompassing virtually every building type and program scope, in many cases for repeat clients. We are recognized for our experience and expertise in the field of housing, both market rate and affordable, both new construction and the rehabilitation of existing housing. Our projects have included new single family construction and renovation, new scattered site affordable infill housing, amendments to planned developments involving construction of new affordable family housing and large scale site design, and the rehabilitation of both historic three story walk-ups and historic high rise residential towers.
We are committed to the idea of a built environment where quality housing should be accessible to all people. Lisec Architects, and its previous incarnation as Lisec & Biederman, Ltd., has been working with communities towards this end for over 35 years. We have built up a knowledge base and technical skill level for housing that will be very beneficial to any team. We also bring to the table long term relationships, cultivated over years, with all of the various governmental and advisory institutions necessary for the realization of any affordable housing effort.
In addition to, and complimenting, our commitment to housing, Lisec Architects offers expertise and experience in the design of commercial and office space, as well as institutional, performing arts and educational projects. Increasingly the practice of housing, commercial and institutional architecture overlap in multi-layered and multi-use projects befitting a more complex and interconnected built environment. Lisec Architects offers the skills and experience needed to succeed within such complex building programs. Finally, Lisec Architects has deep roots in the field of historic preservation and has won numerous awards in this field. We bring to the table not only technical expertise but also assistance to the client in navigating the local, state and federal agencies involved in any historic preservation project.