Hearts United Apartments, Phase II - 'Quincy'

Scattered sites in North Washington Park, Chicago, Illinois

The Hearts United Apartments, Phase II, project consisted of the construction in 2001 of 107 new affordable family dwellings in sixteen new buildings on various infill sites in North Washington Park within the area bounded by E. 41st St. on the north, E. 44th St. on the south, S. Evans Ave. on the east and S. St. Lawrence on the west.  The building typology ranged from a variation on the typical Chicago six flat to a type nicknamed the ‘stacked’ module which consisted of a two story duplex unit ‘stacked’ on top of a simplex unit at grade.  The resulting 3 story module was repeated side by side to create row housing reminiscent of historic building types in the area.  The design process, led by Michael Lisec,  entailed extensive stakeholder community meetings and presentations with then 4th Ward Alderman Toni Preckwinkle’s office as well as the South East Chicago Commission, at the time led by the current 3rd Ward Alderman Pat Dowell.

Client:  Bonheur Development Corporation

Team:  Linn-Mathes, Inc., General Contractor; Eskanazi, Farrell and Fodor, structural engineers; Creative Systems, Eng., M/E/P; 

Government Participation:  City of Chicago Department of Housing; Illinois Housing Development Authority

Scope:  107 units in 16 residential buildings, 112,350 square feet total