La Estancia Apartments

3220 W. Division St., 3248 W. Division St. and 2753 W. Division St., Chicago, Illinois

Completed in 2007, La Estancia is comprised of 57 affordable one, two, three and four bedroom apartments in three 4-story buildings along Division St. centered around California Ave, at the western end of the Paseo Boricua.  Continuing the lively retail nature of this neighborhood, each building also features ground floor retail/commercial space for a total of 12,000 square feet.  

Client:  Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation

Team:  Humboldt Construction Co., General Contractor; Perry & Associates, structural engineers;  Creative Systems & Associates, Ltd., M/E/P

Government Participation:  City of Chicago Department of Housing; Illinois Housing Development Authority, U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Dev

Scope:  57 family apartments in 3 buildings