Leland Apartments

1207 West Leland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

The Leland Apartments project consisted of the substantial rehabilitation, reconfiguration and exterior restoration of a single room occupancy, six story ‘Apartment Hotel.’  Located in the historic Uptown Square Historic District and designed by the architectural firm Dubin and Eisenberg in 1926, the Leland Hotel is representative of Chicago apartment hotels during the early teens and twenties with its theatrical ’Moorish’ terra cotta façade, small ‘bachelor’ style units and grand entrance lobby with ground floor retail.  This 2004-05 project entailed reducing the amount of units from 167 to 137 by combining some units on the 4th, 5th and 6th floors to create one bedroom apartments.  In addition, as part of Heartland Alliance’s social service mission, the 2nd and 3rd floors were reserved for assisted living for those with mental disability and substance abuse related issues.  Meanwhile, the first floor lobby was completely rehabbed with a new entrance vestibule and reception desk.  Finally, the principal exterior façades received substantial restoration per Department of the Interior and Illinois Historic Preservation Agency guidelines, documentation and approval. 


Client:  Heartland Alliance

Team:  II in One Contractors, Inc., General Contractor; Madison Construction, Associate GC,; Eskanazi, Farrell and Fodor, structural engineers;  Creative Systems Assoc., M/E/P

Government Participation:  City of Chicago Department of Housing; Illinois Housing Development Authority, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency

Scope:  137 units, 75,000 square feet