Liberty Square Apartments

Scattered Sites, North Lawndale, Chicago, Illinois

Constructed in 2006, on scattered sites in the Lawndale Community, in an area bounded by Independence Boulevard, Central Park, Flournoy and Polk Street 66 new affordable family units of rental housing are designed in 6 flats and 2 story townhouse units to restore the original walk-up residential character of the neighborhood.  2 story townhome clusters complement the low rise scale of Flournoy and Lexington Streets and 3 story 6 flats fill in the gaps along Independence Boulevard and Polk Street.  Pitched roofs gabled facades, bay windows, and brick walls with limestone trim harmonize with the existing residential buildings in the community.

Client:  Bonheur Development Corporation

Team:  Linn-Mathes, Inc., General Contractor; Perry & Associates, structural engineers;  Creative Systems Engineers, M/E/P

Government Participation:  City of Chicago Department of Housing; U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Scope:  66 family apartments in 12 buildings