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Ogden Manor

395 West Ogden Ave., Naperville, Illinois

This 2017 rehabilitation of Ogden Manor, a HUD sponsored project originally constructed in 1979, provided residents with updated finishes, casework, fixtures and HVAC equipment for 28 family townhomes and 80 elderly apartments.  In addition, the campus received a badly needed parking lot and driveway repair and resurfacing as well as site amenities such as parking lot lighting, picnicking areas, bicycle racks and an upgraded playground safety surface.


Client:  Vitus, Inc.

Team:  Linn-Mathes, Inc., General contractor; Lehman Design Consultants, Inc., M/E/P

Government Participation:  Illinois Housing Authority, U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Scope:  28 townhomes and 80 senior apartments in 6 buildings