Resurrection Homes

Scattered sites in Pilsen, Back of the Yards, Little Village and Douglas Park, Chicago, Illinois

Originally Resurrection Homes was to be a major housing initiative with The Resurrection Project, working with the City through the New Homes for Chicago initiative, developing over 60 vacant lots with a mix of single family and two, three and six flats. Sites were identified throughout the Pilsen, Back of the Yards, Little Village and Douglas Park neighborhoods.  Initial financing for Phase I allowed for the construction of four single family homes, two 2-flats and one 3-flat with subsequent phases to follow.  Also included in the project was to be a 21 unit town house building at the N-W corner of Damen Ave. and 17th Street.

Client:  The Resurrection Project

Team:  Shelley Construction Services Co., General Contractor; Creative Systems, Eng., M/E/P; 

Government Participation:  City of Chicago Department of Housing

Scope:  originally over 60 scattered sites infilled with a mix of single family, two, three and six flats