Steppenwolf Theater

1650 North Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois

Befitting the Steppenwolf ensemble, known for its honest and often gritty stage productions, its present home, completed in 1991, presents a similar face to the public: a straight forward, no-nonsense almost industrial character.  The 500 seat playhouse style theater within has a similar directness with its exposed concrete walls, steel balcony over the main floor and box seats on either side of the stage.  The stage has a full fly loft and floor-trapping.  Additional spaces include a studio theater, rehearsal room and offices.  The theater was the result of a collaboration between Lisec & Biederman, Ltd., the architect of record, and James, Morris and Kutyla as theater designers and consultants along with Steppenwolf designer Kevin Rigdon.

Client:  Steppenwolf Theater Company

Team:  James Morris & Kutyla Architects, associate theater designers

Scope:  500 seat theater, studio theater, rehearsal space, offices